Adult Case Management Community Education Divorcing Parents' Class Outpatient Treatment Psychiatric Services Services for Children Program Brochures |
ServicesOur Community, Education, and Prevention (CEP) Program aims to promote awareness and improve mental health of community members here in Wayne and Holmes counties. Prevention and early intervention can reduce the impact of mental health and can help all of us learn useful skills and strategies to improve our overall wellbeing. Our CEP program provides a variety of services, including:
Trainings and Classes QPR Gatekeeper Training. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Our QPR Gatekeeper training teaches participants signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. PAX Tools Community Workshops. PAX Tools is a trauma-informed, universal prevention program that empowers adults throughout the community to improve young people’s behavior and relationships. Our workshop teaches the use of “Evidenced-based Kernels” at home or in the community with youth. Participants include caring adults such as parents, caregivers, and other adults who serve youth in a volunteer or professional capacity. Parenting Education Class. Our “Helping Children Succeed After Parents Separate” is a class for parents going through a divorce or dissolution, that reviews the challenges of separation on both parents and children and discusses helpful coping strategies for families. For more information, please visit the “Divorcing Parents Class” page under our “Services” tab. School-Based Programs Signs of Suicide (SOS). Our staff facilitates the SOS program to both middle school and high school students throughout Wayne and Holmes Counties. SOS has been used by thousands of schools for over 20 years. SOS teaches students how to identify depression symptoms, potential suicide risks in themselves or a friend, and how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, and Tell a Trusted Adult). Support Groups Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group. A monthly support group for individuals experiencing emotional, identity, occupational, or relationship difficulties after traumatic brain Injury, stroke, aneurysm, or other damage to the brain. Additional Services Problem Gambling prevention and intervention. Mental Health Training. Community Education & Consultation. Individuals who are interested in these programs can contact Jordan Jean, LPCC, Manager of Community Education and Prevention Services at (330) 264-9029 or [email protected]
All photographs are compliments of our Counseling Center "family and friends". Enjoy the talent!
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