Children's Case Management
Children's Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment services (also known as Children's CPST or Children's Case Management Services) are ongoing types of mental health service designed to make sure that children with complex, multiple needs receive the kinds of care and services that will allow them to continue to live at home and function at their best. Children's CPST services focus on locating and coordinating all the types of services that such children may need from not only the Counseling Center, but from other health professionals, schools, courts and social agencies.
Home-Based Intervention
Home-Based Intervention (or "HBI") is an intensive type of mental health counseling designed to help stabilize difficult family situations so that children can continue to live at home and families can remain intact. HBI is an intensive, time-limited process that takes place in your home and can help you and your family discover solutions to the challenges you face.
GroupsContact Jeff Bradford, LPCC-S at (330) 264-9029 for more information and schedules.
Improving Social Skills To promote independence and enhance social skills by empowering youth with the basic tools needed to promote success in their daily lives. Communication skills are the key to developing and keeping friendships and to building a strong social support network. They also help you take care of your own needs, while being respectful of the needs of others. People aren’t born with good communication skills; like any other skill, they are learned through trial and error and repeated practice. These skills will be taught and practiced during the 6 week session. Managing Your Emotions To make youth aware of their anger and how anger impacts their behaviors. To help youth deal with and address these feeling in a more appropriate and positive manner. This group will focus on receiving support and encouragement from peers while learning effective anger management techniques. This group will help the youth to recognize the difference between an annoyance or inconvenience and a bona fide reason to get angry; somebody hurting you, hurting somebody you care for or damaging your property are all good reasons to get angry; somebody “disrespecting” you, getting in your way, slowing you down, being luckier than you, or doing something better than you do it are not reasonable causes of anger. Youth will learn what their triggers are and will be taught ways to process and better respond to these feelings. |
All photographs are compliments of our Counseling Center "family and friends". Enjoy the talent!
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